How to do research

— Some hints for anybody who is starting his/her research career


Introduction to the course
Research Methodology Practice (20:59)
The KnowDive starts a new course, Research Methodology Practice, given by Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia. This video introduced the course organization.

Introduction to Research
Research Methodology Practice (44:08)
The KnowDive starts a new course, Research Methodology Practice, given by Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia. The first lecture introduced the “WHAT, HOW, and WHY” in research.
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How to do a PhD – PART 1
Research Methodology Practice (57:22)
The second lecture of the Research Methodology Practice, given by Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia. It introduces the essence of research, community of scientists, scientific norm and misconduct in science.
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How to do a PhD – PART 2
Research Methodology Practice (1:15:17)
The PART2 of the “How to do a PhD” lecture, given by Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia, introduces the key isuues when doing a PhD, inclulding the research and scholarship, factors of success, how to manage time.
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How to do a PhD – PART 3
Research Methodology Practice (1:04:25)
The PART3 of the “How to do a PhD” lecture, given by Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia, introduces the needed tasks and achievements in each year of the doctoral program and the constraints and opportunities of a Ph.D. student at the University of Trento
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How to do a PhD – Q&A
Research Methodology Practice (07:50)
The Q&A of the “How to do a PhD” lecture, given by Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia. If you have more questions, please add your questions in the Q/A table, We will organize about 1 hour for answering your questions.
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How to write a paper – PART1
Research Methodology Practice (57:36)
In the first part of How To Write A Paper, Prof. Giunchiglia introduces the role of paper and analysis of the audience, and analyzes different types of papers and shows how to set goals for papers.
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How to write a paper – PART2
Research Methodology Practice (1:13:50)
The Second part of How To Write A Paper. Prof. Giunchiglia introduces the structure of a paper, and details the rules, goals, and problems that need to pay attention to when writing papers.
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How to write a paper -An example
Research Methodology Practice (53:06)
In this lecture, Prof. Giunchiglia gave a specific example about “How to Write a Paper”. The talk reviews the process of writing a paper and details key points of writing papers based on the paper “Fixing mislabeling by human annotators leveraging conflict resolution and prior knowledge”.
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How to Do presentations
Research Methodology Practice (53:10)
The last lecture in Research Methodology given by Prof. Giunchiglia is about How to Do presentations. It discusses some noteworthy issues, including how to prepare for different types of presentations, attitudes to audiences, the writing on slides, etc.
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How to Do presentations – Q&A
Research Methodology Practice (15:13)
The Q&A of the “How to Do presentations” lecture, given by Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia. If you have more questions, please add your questions in the Q/A table, We will organize about 1 hour for answering your questions.
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Student presentations

Erdenebileg Byambadorj – EML: A Programming Language for Data and Knowledge Integration in Knowledge Bases
Research Methodology Practice (1:13:23)
Knowdive Seminar: Student Presentation Practicing

Hadi Khalilia – Generating High-Quality Lexical-Semantic Resources
Research Methodology Practice (50:53)
Knowdive Seminar: Student Presentation Practicing

Kayongo Ivan – A dashboard for user context and life sequence awareness
Research Methodology Practice (52:16)
Knowdive Seminar: Student Presentation Practicing

Additional talks

Vincenzo Maltese – Some tips about writing a scientific paper
KnowDive Seminars (1:21:33)
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