Simone Bocca

Simone Bocca is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Trento, supervised by Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia. He obtained his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science at the University of Turin (Italy) in 2019, with a research thesis on social network analysis. He moved to the University of Trento in 2019, where he started a contract as a software developer and data scientist in the framework of the InteropEHRate EU project (2019-2022).

In 2021 he started a PhD at the Doctoral School of Information Engineering and Computer Science (IECS) of the University of Trento. His PhD research objective is focused on the iTelos methodology for the creation of high quality and reusable Knowledge Graphs (KGs). His research interests, strictly related to his PhD topic, are the study of geographical and social contexts affected by data scarcity, where the use and re-use of quality data become crucial aspects for research, education and innovation purposes.

During his PhD career, Simone spent a period of 2 months in Beira (Mozambique) and a period of 4 months in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) to carry out his research in direct collaboration with local universities. Since 2021, Simone is a Teaching Assistant (TA) for the master course of Knowledge Graphs Engineering (KGE) at the University of Trento (Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia). He is currently working in the KnowDive research group on the development of an environment for the creation and distribution of interoperable, high-quality, KGs.