God is The Engineer
humans are the scientists
The Knowdive Group research is focused on the study of human diversity and of how the current ICT technologies can be used to lead it towards unity. The work develops along three main objectives. The first is scientific. We are interested in understanding how cognition emerges, as a unitary phenomenon, from the people inner diversity (i.e, perception, language and reasoning ) and then how society emerges, again as a unitary phenomenon, from social relations. The second is experimental. We are interested in building Aritificial Intelligence machines which are computational models of human intelligence and which can be used to validate the theory. The third is social. We are interested in using the technologies we develop towards a better, more unitary, more inclusive, society where machines do not substitute humans but, rather, help them in going beyond their inherent limitations.

The approach is inter-disciplinary. We integrate different AI technologies, based on results from Cognitive Science, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology.
Below are the research questions around which the work of group revolves
- Artificial Human Cognition: how can we build machines which perceive, conceive and reason about an ever changing world as a lifelong process?
- Language Diversity: how can we enable humans and machines to make reciprocal sense of the different worlds where they live, as the premise for meaningful language interactions?
- Knowledge Diversity: how can we enable humans and machines to make reciprocal sense of what they know is the case in the different worlds where they live, as the premise for diversity-aware social interactions?
- Human-Machine Symbiosis: how can we build machines which help people in going beyond human nescience?