Kyriakos Kyriakou

Kyriakos Kyriakou (BSc & MSc, Computer Science) is a Research Associate at the Fairness and Ethics in AI - Human Interaction Multidisciplinary Research Group (fAIre) (formerly known as Transparency in Algorithms - TAG) of the CYENS Centre of Excellence (formerly known as RISE) in Cyprus since 2018. He studied Computer Science at the University of Cyprus, with a specialization in Software Engineering, acquiring both a BSc and an MSc degree. His main research area revolves around Algorithmic Transparency, Fairness, Accountability, and Explainability. Mr. Kyriakou has been involved in a number of development/startup projects, while at the same time having experience working in an academic research environment, primarily on Erasmus+ projects. In addition, he has participated regularly in hackathons and business idea competitions, from some of which he was awarded. He has been also involved in innovation and entrepreneurship by co-founding several startups (, and Meera Ltd), while in the meantime some of his proposed business ideas got accepted to receive funding and participated in incubation and accelerator programs in Cyprus. Recently, he became an alumnus of the Conception X programme (Ph.D. deeptech ventures) in the UK, where he now serves as an ambassador. As a last highlight, he has been actively involved in various volunteering activities and networked with several key organizations in Cyprus. Kyriakos has been accepted for the CYENS Doctoral Training Program, where he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. through the Open University of Cyprus. His Ph.D. topic focuses on "Facilitating Human Agency and Oversight in Algorithmic Processes" under the thematic area "Towards Trustworthy AI: Human Oversight of Algorithms".